
Have you considered advertising in the AEMA Emulsion Notes eBrief, on the AEMA website, or in the PPRA Connections eNewsletter?


The AEMA Emulsion Notes eBrief is distributed 6 times per year with news geared specifically to AEMA members and technical content pertinent to the asphalt emulsion industry.

PPRA Connections is a quarterly newsletter distributed electronically worldwide to members of all three PPRA associations (AEMA, ARRA and ISSA), including contractors, materials and equipment suppliers, consulting engineers, and government agencies. It is also distributed via our website and email to local, state, and federal government officials, and contacts made through TRB, CONEXPO, World of Asphalt, NACE, AASHTO, APWA, and more.

Advertising in both publications is available as part of a bundled package and includes a website banner advertisement for a specified length of time.

Both publications bring invaluable articles of interest to and from our association members and other professionals in the industry all over the world. Throughout the year, features may include association news and events, industry news including machinery, technology, quality control, and safety, and business news featuring human resources, legal, and management tips for your company.

If you have any questions or to request Advertising rates or information, please contact Ali Mostardo at or call 630-942-6579.

Contact Us

Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association
800 Roosevelt Road, Building C-312
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

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