About Us

AEMA is a proactive organization dedicated to the advancement of the asphalt emulsion industry, constantly focusing on system preservation and the construction of the world’s infrastructure.

The Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) exists to promote the increased and more efficient use of asphalt emulsions.  Since 1973, the Association has served as a forum for discussion, a clearinghouse of information, and a platform of action for the asphalt emulsion industry.  Through its meetings, seminars, website, and publications, AEMA has helped to bring state-of-the-art asphalt emulsion technology to all parts of the world. The Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association is an excellent network for information exchange and technology transfer among professionals in the highway industry.  Although the Association does not maintain a technical staff, it is able to address concerns of a technical nature by calling upon the tremendous bank of expertise that exists throughout its membership.

A cornerstone of AEMA’s technology transfer program is the International Technical Committee (ITC). Charged with developing technical activities, programs, and publications, in response to and in anticipation of market and production requirements, the ITC functions with four standing committees and several more subcommittees, all with specific areas of technical and program responsibility.  The AEMA Technical Committee Guide and the ITC Committee Chairmen listing appear elsewhere in this directory.

AEMA continues to take steps to increase its visibility on federal, state, local, and international levels.  We have conducted joint meetings with the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA) and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA).  AEMA officials in the past year have come to Washington, DC, to meet with key Federal Highway Administration officials and highway industry association executives. AEMA’s membership in the American Highway Users Alliance (AHUA), the Road Information Program (TRIP), FP2 Inc., and the Transportation Construction Coalition, four of the main forces behind the passage of the Highway Bill and leaders in making sure that funds are spent on the highways, helps keep us attuned to what is going on at the Federal level and provides us with key contacts.  And our membership in the International Bitumen Emulsion Federation assists our involvement in the international arena. A cornerstone of AEMA’s efforts to increase the market share for asphalt emulsions has been our work through local organizations, universities, and technology transfer centers to conduct seminars to benefit those involved in the design, construction and maintenance of streets, roads and highways.  Throughout the year, AEMA members have again participated in a wide range of local, regional and national seminars and conferences to promote the industry and the recent improvements in technology.  AEMA has been a part of the National Center for Pavement Preservation since its inception.  Members continue to participate at other more regional professional gatherings, and serve as speakers for programs sponsored by various state superintendents’ organizations, county engineers associations and other highway-related groups.

AEMA will continue its work in the areas of technical specifications and other educational services. More specifically, the ITC is publishing a new version of the Recommended Performance Guidelines for Asphalt Emulsions, and the Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual, in partnership with the Asphalt Institute, undergoes constant review.  The AEMA marketing brochure, with well over 10,000 copies distributed, is yet another tool for members to use in promoting asphalt emulsions.   Furthermore, the Association will continue to enhance its involvement with various governmental agencies and other segments of the highway industry and, in fact, is an active participant with the Federal Highway Administration and FP2 Inc. in producing the Pavement Preservation Short Course with the National Highway Institute, to complement the FHWA/FP2/AEMA video: Preventive Maintenance – Project Selection – Right Road, Right Treatment, Right Time.  

Contact Us

Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association
800 Roosevelt Road, Building C-312
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

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